Privacy policy

Merry Makers Cards maintains a thorough commitment to your privacy and protecting your personal information. Our privacy policy outlines our approach to privacy and how we collect, use and protect your personal information. It also sets out your rights in relation to accessing the personal information we collect and hold about you. We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (or APP's) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

Our website may contain links to third party websites. As we are not responsible for how these third party websites collect, use and store your information, we recommend you review their privacy policy prior to accessing and/or using their website.

Your personal information

Merry Makers Cards collects personal information to purposefully conduct our business and services as an e-commerce organisation. Our use and disclosure of your personal information is for the purpose of enabling us to both carry out our function as an e-commerce business and provide you with a better customer experience. 

Any personal information we collect, is done so when you perform a transaction on our website or contact us. When we collect information, attempts will be made to ensure you understand why such information is being collected, how it will be used and who such information will be given to. We will not provide your personal information to third parties. 

We do not store credit card numbers. These are securely held by a large third-party payment processor (Paypal). Personal information we do collect includes your name, address, email and phone number. This information will be done in a lawful and unobtrusive manner.

When purchasing from Merry Makers Cards, you consent to us using your personal information, such as your email address, to provide you with information regarding our products and services. All digital communications will comply with the requirements of the Spam Act 2003 (Cth).

When using, collecting and storing your personal information, we take every step to ensure that this is done so in a secure manner. All reasonable steps are taken to ensure that your personal information is not accessed, disclosed or collected by any unauthorised persons or third parties.

Under The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), you have certain rights to access and alter the personal information we collect, by contacting us at

We take all reasonable care to ensure that the personal information that we collect, use and disclose is accurate, up to date and complete.